
Monday, November 18, 2013


     One of my favorite math concepts to introduce in kindergarten is symmetry.  It seems like once we talk about it, the kids are looking for symmetrical things everywhere!  I love the day that we create our symmetrical artwork.  I ask the kids to "tip and drip" the paint bottles to make a design on one side of their paper.
     After our drips are complete, we fold the paper over and press it out.  The magic occurs when we peel the paper open.  Look at these precious faces full of excitement!

     They are always amazed that their works of art are the same on both sides!  

     We also spent some time searching for signs of symmetry in nature.  We went outside and chose leaves that looked the same on both sides and made a leaf rubbing.

     As we near Thanksgiving, please know how thankful I am that I get to spend my days with these awesome kids!  I feel like a lucky lady!

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