
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

  We had a special treat today!  Ms. Rose, our Pick a Better Snack educator, came to our room and presented a healthy snack idea.  Each child had the opportunity to make their own "pumpkin pie" out of pumpkin, dry butterscotch pudding, and milk.  The ingredients were placed in individual baggies and students squished them together to mix them up.  Rose then cut a small hole in the corner of the baggie and the kids decorated a graham cracker with the mixture.  It was pretty yummy and fun, too!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fall Celebration

     First, I would like to thank all of you for attending conferences last week.  I had such a nice time discussing your child's progress with you, and I am so happy to report that I had 100% attendance!  Hooray!  If you think of any other questions, please give me a call at Pence or send me an e-mail.
     Last Monday, we had several fun activities to celebrate fall, but my favorite was our pumpkin investigation.  It was a great way to combine literacy, math, and science!  We first read a non-fiction story about pumpkins.  The kids loved learning a "grown up" word -- pulp.  For science, we worked on honing our observation skills, and math involved the estimation and counting of seeds.

My busy little worker bees!

 Cleaning out the pumpkin.....
 Ewwwwww!  Gooey!

Counting and counting and counting......over 400 seeds!

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