
Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Beautiful Day at the Park!

     We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day to spend at Jefferson County Park!  We thoroughly enjoyed several experiences that brought our classroom learning to life.  Another added bonus -- Therese kept us very entertained!  Here is our story in pictures:

Greeting the turtles!

Digging up worms...
...and feeding those worms to the fish!   

How can you NOT love these kiddos?!

Going for a hike...

....and stopping to search for spittle bugs.

Found one!

Me too!

Here's another one!

Look at it!

There's always time to stop and play!

We sang our insect song to Therese and had a perfect butterfly model!

Gearing up for "the hunt!"  Do you like our antennae?

Sweeping for bugs!


Therese was kind enough to cool us off with a spritz of water...the kids looked like baby birds as they tried to catch it with their mouths!  :)

Our trip ended with a chorus of frog sounds.  We were sorry the day had come to an end, but we were TIRED!  :)

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